
Couch to 5K

Until just a couple of months ago, I was quite convinced that I could not run. I’ve always enjoyed a variety of sports and played on most of the teams at school, but running was a completely different matter. However, as I mentioned in an earlier blog post I’ve recently been feeling that I needed to increase my exercise levels. I decided to give the NHS’s ‘Couch to 5k’ a try and it has completely changed my views on running and I am now proudly running for 30 minutes three times per week. I recently highlighted a report by the Behavioural Insights Team which explained the key principles for effecting behaviour change. I thought it would be interesting to reflect back on Couch to 5k and see why it has been so successful for me using the Behavioural Insights Team’s principles. 

Researched by Others

Applying behavioural insights

Great report from the Behavioural Insights Team looking at four simple ways to apply behavioural insights.

If you want to encourage a behaviour, make it Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST)

Worth a read for a fuller explanation of how to make an initiative easy, attractive, social and timely, plus real world examples.